Here's The Rolls-Royce Cullinan Way Before You're Supposed To See It
One Instagram poster claims that Rolls-Royce asked to have these images taken down, but you, the world, deserve to see the Rolls-Royce Cullinan, the SUV from the most grandiose carmaker on Earth. Particularly: those seats. My god, the seats.
Let's just take this all in. Annoyingly, the best part of a modern Rolls-Royce (how unbelievably large they are) is lost in these photos, as we don't have anything else to scale.
A current Rolls-Royce Phantom, for instance, looks like it's the size of a normal car, until you actually park next to a normal car, at which point you realize the Rolls-Royce is larger than some principalities.
The Cullinan, then, is likely about as big in person as... imagine something big. I don't have time to think of metaphors. I am too busy staring at...
...these seats!
My good goodness. Suddenly, the Cullinan is the only SUV I care about. Split-folding tailgates are for Civics, now. Real luxury vehicles get dedicated jump seats that make you look like you're about to be interviewed for a really artsy Netflix show about master carpenters.
It's a countdown now until Rolls-Royce puts out its press photos officially, at which point I can gaze more at these seats and figure out how sturdy they might well be, or what kind of stitching is involved.
Oh, and here's the full Instagram post from @eng_aalhammadi claiming that RR tried to quash this whole thing.