Here's The Furthest You've Ever Gone To Buy A Car

Sometimes, you just know. You feel it right down in your bones when the car calling your name from hundreds of miles away is the right one.

Last week, I asked you how far you went to get that car of your dreams. And man, did some of you go the distance to bring that car home.

We're not in this because it's logical or reasonable. We're in this because of the soul, man.

Cruise Control (flohmann)

I can't even imagine what that's like.

That Blue (FastUnicorn)

Well worth it, friend.

Mexico (Aguz)

Learn on the fly.

Word Of Mouth (markinnaples)

Friend of a friend of a friend.

What Have I Done? (Vizzini)

I think most of us have had that moment.

Subie (andycap)

Gotta have that wing.

Winter Car (drdude)

The Boxster winters great, right?

Crazy (Ken Takakura (Ken San))


Unicorn (brightswede)

You, sir, have a rare thing on your hands.

Wholesome Story (MikeMeade)

What luck.

Alfa (robvolz)

Left for one car. Came back with two.

Not A Happy Ending (Project_Broke)

Well... at least you got a story out of it!

Worth It (Henry Israd)


The Distance We’d Go For Our Favorites (Jonee)

Only you, Jonee.

Brazil (edu-petrolhead)


