Here's The Amazing LaFerrari Aperta Gordon Ramsay Awkwardly Revealed On Top Gear

Top Gear pulled a weird stunt in the first episode of its rebooted series earlier this year when Chris Evans and Gordon Ramsay coyly announced the "first proof" of the LaFerrari Aperta, a "Spider" variant of the million dollar hypercar. The oddity continues with Ramsay's video announcing his car's delivery.

In a feature during the horrid inauguration of Top Gear's new Stars In A Rallycross Car that may or may not have been coordinated by the show with Ferrari, Gordon Ramsay showed off a key to his soon-to-be LaFerrari Aperta, which had yet to be officially announced.

Eventually the car was officially revealed by Ferrari itself awhile after the episode aired, and now Gordon Ramsay has shot a cute little video the "giant Spider" he woke up to in his driveway.

From CarThrottle, who claim the video comes from H.R.Owen Ferrari of London:

Glad to see the angry celebrity chef so happy, as I'm sure we'd all be if we were on Ferrari's naughty list of 150 chosen ones for the LaFerrari Aperta.

Some London car spotters managed to get a couple of clips of Ramsay taking the new Aperta out for a spin and even managed to get up close and personal with the parked car:

Ramsay has been known to be rather kind to car spotters, so I'm beginning to wonder if he calls them up now every time he gets a shiny new toy.

Anyway, congrats Ramsay and Top Gear (?) for.. calling it? Whatever. I guess your other, original LaFerrari now has something worthy of looking at in the stables.

Car spotting video via CarScoops

