Here's Everything Wrong With The Stock FD Mazda RX-7 You Bought For $7,000

The final FD generation Mazda RX-7 was an ambitious car for its day, with high tech like sequential turbos on its twin rotary engine. As such, it was packed to the gills with sensors and hoses and lines, lines that you will discover when you finally tear into your once top-of-the-line sports car that you got for seven grand.

"This was gonna be stock," Hert of Hoonigan wails, hand over his face. "This was gonna be stockkkkkkkkkkk."

As it turned out, the car had other plans. At a little over half of what a nice stock FD costs, Hert's particular car had some issues, not the least of which being one of its two turbos being blown, with cracks running along it too. Other problems included solenoids busted that nobody even knew what they were supposed to go to, mystery wires not hooked up, and other various hoses and fittings haphazardly silicone'd in place. Where do they go?

Hert won't find out. This car is getting torn apart and de-'90s-ified. It's easier just to gut everything and go simple single turbo, as Angel Motorsports' John Vargas explains.

As ever, buy the most expensive version of a car you can afford. Cry once, as they say, or forever be doomed to be messing with your car.

Not that that's the worst thing, but just know what you're facing.

