Here's All Four Hours Of The World Record For Snowmobiling On Water

Did you know that the world record for riding a snowmobile on something that isn't snow, but is rather melted snow (water), is an actual thing??? Well, it is a thing, and Norway's own Morten Blien just rode his 'mobile on water for damn near four hours. Here's video of the entire thing, in case you didn't think it was real.

The fine folks at Guinness haven't certified it yet, but after sitting and staring blankly at my computer for three hours and fifty-five minutes all in the name of JOURNALISM, I will believe Morten.

(Please note: I did not actually watch this whole video because who has time for that.)

Blien rode for 212 kilometers, or a little over 131 miles, for the record, according to the video description. Zooming down the Tana River in Norway on his Polaris RMK 800, Blien had two throttle levers fitted just in case one hand got tired just holding on for four hours. He fell short of his goal of 250 kilometers after his snowmobile mysteriously quit, but still!

Very impressive. I've never ridden a snowmobile over a liquid surface at all.

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