Here's A Jeep Driving Around With A Dead Shark On Its Bumper

Can you guess where this Jeep Cherokee was spotted with a large, apparently real, shark corpse strapped to its front bumper? You get one hint: it's not Florida.

PerthNow says this salty Mad Maxian setup was seen in Safety Bay, just south of the big city of Perth on the Western Australia coast.

Local motorist Julie Wright's ten-year-old kid caught this video and she sent it to the news, saying, "I was driving down Safety Bay Road beside a boat and as I got closer to the car I had to double take as I was sure I was looking at a shark tail on the left."

Reports seem to indicate the shark enjoying its afterlife as a hood ornament here is a Tiger Shark, which you can legally fish in Australia though other species are protected. It doesn't sound like their Department of Fisheries has commented on this particular spectacle yet.

At first I thought this looked pretty badass. Then I felt sorry for the shark. Now that I've seen the GIF replay ten or fifty times it's just making me sad to see such a glorious animal reduced to a Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville Restaurant prop.

That Jeep sure is working hard though. A boat and a shark? We've got to be getting to the top of that unibody SUV's maximum weight rating.

Images/video via Perth Now

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