Here Are Your Worst Stories Of A Mechanic Trying To Screw You Over
Therapist, bartender, mechanic: These are the three pillars of trust who form the foundation for a life well live (and secrets well kept.) A trusted mechanic can be as faithful and close to you as a family member. The entire thing falls apart if your own mechanic can't be trusted.
Sometimes, a mechanic can be as dirty and as slick as the shop itself. They will take advantage of ignorance concerning cars, suggested or push repairs that are either wrong or not needed or just not do the job. You'll leave the shop under the impression that whatever was wrong was fixed and then a couple of days later the problem creeps up again. Or worse. We asked readers when did a mechanic try and screw them over.
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Tire Repair Shops
Suggested by: Grassscratcher2
From A Bogus Alignment To A ‘Warranty Repair’
Suggested by: Rollin Hand
Jiffy Lube (Of Course)
Suggested by: Turbineguy: Nom de Zoom
A $200 Repair With Parts That Cost A Couple Of Bucks
Suggested by: Dream Theater of the Absurd
Big Bucks From A Shop. A Mechanics School Charging Less
Suggested by: RandomUsername3246
Suggested by: dupton
From An Alignment To A Head Gasket
Suggested by: Long_Voyager94
$1,150 Repair For A $85 Part
Suggested by: Gtferrari
Sears Automotive
Suggested by: Dream Theater of the Absurd