Here Are Your Stories Of Driving Way Too Far In The Wrong Direction

Many of us have busy lifestyles, and when you have a thousand little cares and concerns humming in the background it can lead to boneheaded mistakes. Whether it's putting the milk in the cabinet and the cereal in the fridge or forgetting to pick the kid up from school, mistakes happen. Usually, it's not a big deal. Driving for miles in the wrong direction though, hits a little differently. It's a special kind of hopeless anger mixed with shame when you do something as dumb as drive way out of your way, mostly because you have no one but yourself to blame.

The only time it happened to me was during my first year of college. Back then I was an architecture major and going to school here locally meant that I didn't stay at home. My class had planned a trip to the Art Center College Of Design in Pasadena. We would all meet there. I wanted to drive myself but I wasn't familiar with the area and ended up driving 35 miles in the wrong direction before realizing I was going the wrong way. And with how bad traffic is here, I ended up meeting with my class over an hour late.

We asked readers whats the furthest they've driven in the wrong direction. These were their answers.

Over Three Hours And Halfway To Chicago

Suggested by: 3PedalsOrNothing

Wrong Way. But Not Alone

Suggested by: Zack Hayatt (Facebook)

40 Mile The Wrong Way On Blue Ridge Parkway

Suggested by: JEM

50 Miles Outside Of San Diego

Suggested by: Susan Wenzel (Facebook)

200km In The Wrong Direction

Suggested by: Sid Bridge

There’s A Reason They’re An Ex

Suggested by: Brian Ludwing (Facebook)

Adding 250km To A 3000km Trip

Suggested by: Times up, time to leave!

40 Miles Back Into Canada

Suggested by: Alex Stigall (Facebook)

Made It Into Nebraska Before Realizing

Suggested by: MaineAssassin

Drove Back Into St. Louis After Leaving It

Suggested by: Brian Viebranz (Facebook)

235 Miles

Suggested by: Lew Schiller

Accidentally Ending Up In Iowa

Suggested by: Wally Miller (Facebook)

