Here Are The Non-Famous Car Themed Instagram Accounts I've Been Digging Lately
I feel like I've been doing too much Instagram scrolling, so thought I might share some of my findings with you. That way I can write the time off as "work" and feel productive! But you actually will like some of these, I'm sure of it.
Instagram in 2020 is so, so spammy and pretty much all of the most-followed accounts seem to exist mainly to shill shit. Which makes sense, but it's also kind of like, if you're exclusively following brands and sponsored people, you're basically using the app and your precious time to just look at ads.
Anyway, you're free to do that and sometimes I enjoy looking at ads myself. But, if you'd like to look at some non-famous (9,999 followers or less, my definition) people doing cool car shit here's a batch of Instagrammers to check out:
Will Travel To Rescue Hondas – @thehondahoarder
This is some dude who's obsessed with Hondas, but like, good ones. Early CRXs, Elements, there's a Beat that shows up on his page a lot, and he has an Acura TL with its wheels painted like Patrick Star (which is how I found him.)
He's always posting about finding cool junk, like a clean stock Del Sol seat, and I find his joys in modest treasure very relatable.
⚡️Violet Love🏁- @that_tallkid
This account has lots of home-garage Nissan wrenching from a young lady with great taste in cars. She seems to make progress pretty quickly, like, there will be an "I painted the engine" post one day and then "the car runs" post later that week! Unlike my feed, where I spend three posts patting myself on the back for applying a sticker.
J Ryan – @porschelife111
One day I decided that my dream car was a late model base 911 manual in yellow, started looking for pictures of cars like that, and found this guy. Funny enough, he has a lot of pics of places I go and people I've met. (My dream car is now a blue 370Z, it changes very often. It will probably have changed again by the time I publish this.)
This account is mostly a lot of California car meet and group cruise shots which are fun to look at if you're missing car shows these days.
3rdGearPullMedia – @3gpmedia
The person behind this account is not named or visible in any pictures, but they do share a lot of pictures of incredible cars they seem to own: An R33 GTR, an FD RX-7, and an MKIV Supra. It's like a "Best Of: The Good Shit" lineup!
Lots of '90s and '00s tuner car action on this feed, which I jam out on hard. The photography's not bad but it's the mix of vehicles that makes me enjoy this account the most.
Tyler – @tyler.schick
I have no idea who Tyler is but I really like their sense of aesthetics and taste in cars. This feed has a lot of clean-but-not-crazy machines parked in fun places and going on adventures. Some of the shots are a little heavy on the shine but in general, all the cars on this account are very well presented.
Forest Service Green – @forestservicegreen
It's just trucks that are painted Forest Service green. That's it.
(Bonus!) Me! – @andrewatlarge
Fun fact about yours truly, I really do not enjoy photography, but I've been using Instagram as an excuse to practice for a long time. Like everybody else, I enjoy the gratification and validation of heart icons when people enjoy my Art.
I post loaner cars sometimes but it's mostly cool stuff I see and chronicles from my modest fleet of personal cars.
Now, help me make this list bigger so I have more pictures to paw through while I'm waiting for some other screen to distract me! If you're savvy to any sub-10,000 follower accounts post 'em up.