Law enforcement agencies from across the U.S. have reached out to Jalopnik for help with car identifications since your input was "critical" to solving a hit-and-run last year, among others.
Today, we're looking at a case for which our input was not sought, but was morally required on behalf of pooches everywhere.
Specifically, this post is in honor of "Snoopy," a Jack Russell Terrier who wandered out into the alley behind his owner's St. Petersburg, Fla. home where he met his demise on Monday.
There, he was fatally struck by a "blue four-door sedan." To hear the Tampa Bay Times tell it, Snoopy's death may have been a case of murder. Or whatever you call the willful taking of canine life.
A neighbor who saw the incident said the driver chased the dog and hit him intentionally.
Police have been looking for the person.
So far, however, no one has come forward, police spokesman Mike Puetz said Friday.
Anyway, the community has rallied behind Snoopy's survivors — Paul Alves and Jodi Scutt — with a reward for information which currently stands at $1,500. Snoopy was laid to rest at Pet Angel Memorial Center after a Saturday morning memorial (to which the public was invited).
Since none of us were there to pay respects, perhaps we can take a look at the video here to help police identify the type of vehicle involved. The TV reporter says it's a blue Hyundai Sonata, but I'm not convinced from that video. It looks like it could be something else. Please do it for Snoopy.