Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy! We're Off To The Monterey Historics!
This afternoon the two Los Angeleno Jalops who are not the Loverman will hop in a mysical Korean bucket to be magically transported to the Monterey Peninsula for three glorious days of what can only be called The Greatest Spectacle in Auto Enthusiasm. Seriously, the events surrounding the Concours d'Elegance are that face-melting. But the greatest one of all has to be the Monterey Historics. While Pebble's got the pageantry and the "Oh my freaking bloody hell, I had no idea that this even existed and/or never thought I'd see it in my life!" factor going for it, for plebian gearheads, the Historics are where it's at. The entry fees are ridiculously reasonable...
...(unlike Pebble Beach), and what's more, some stuff you see at the track is on the 18th green on Sunday. While the conours events and auctions are stunning and plenty of the people that you meet are fascinating, a Delage on the lawn — though fantastic in its own way — still isn't a ridiculously-turbocharged 935 ass-tearing it around Laguna Seca. Plus, the featured marque this year isn't a marque at all. The theme is Indy roadsters. And nothing nothing is quite like a goddamn Offenhauser. It's the greatest-sounding four-cylinder ever built. If you can scrape up the scratch for a minivan to camp in and a plane ticket to San Jose, we suggest you get there. Meanwhile, these two donutmonkeys are going to heaven.