Got Any Good Car Poetry?

In Scotland tonight folks will be celebrating Burns Night, a night dedicated to the Scottish poet Robert Burns who was born this day in 1759. The Scots celebrate it with the reading of his poetry (especially his poem "Address to a Haggis"') and the consumption of Scottish food and drink. The main focus, however, is sharing poetry with the folks you gather together.

I love the concept of Burns night. I think every country should have a holiday devoted to its literary and cultural heroes. I couldn't think of any car poems off the top of my head, but a quick search found several from literary heavyweights like T.S. Elliot and the beat poet Gregory Corso who wrote a poem called 'Last Night I Drove A Car.'

I also thought of the time Brad Brownell and I listened to every Mountain Goats song for fun. That's just poetry set to music!

I especially like this line from the song Insurance Fraud #2:

Burned-out shell of a Volkswagen,Bloodstains on the driveway,Torn up Mercedes, by the side of the highwayBig plans, big plansLet me tell you, something sister,You will never get away with it.

So I think we can definitely allow song lyrics into the mix. But it doesn't have to be from a professional wordsmith. Maybe you've personally felt moved to pen a few lines about your ride. Got a haiku about your WRX rolling around in your soul? A dirty limerick about your rust bucket of a Corolla? Share it in the comments!

