Gossip: US M3 Pricing Announced?

We know what it looks like. We know how much power it makes. We know what it smells like, its favorite color, what it had for lunch on Tuesday and who it is voting for in 2008. We know that BMW's new M3 thinks it is OK to have white wine with beef, feels that Simon Cowell is cruel but funny, agrees with Nancy Pelosi on a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq and cries at the end of Bambi. The M3 enjoys long walks on the beach, hiking, will try anything once, likes getting dressed up for the opera but is just as comfortable in sweats on the couch watching football. We know everything about the M3. The car is more over exposed than Britney's crotch Mini's Clubman. In fact, we've even known the price for a few days but sat on it because we're sick of reading about this damn car. BMW, release it already, because the one thing we don't know is how it drives. And we're this close to not caring. Though, we do have a soft spot for 420 horsepower German sleds. And according to the lads at autospies.com, the M3 is going to cost us Yanks a very RS4-like $68,989. Which probably is probably close and possibly accurate. At least we know what we don't know.

