The father of a college friend of ours was obsessed with Renaults. He'd owned four or five Le Cars, and when we first met, she was driving an Alliance, one of only two French cars on campus. Her dad also owned a Lotus 7. Built by Dick Teague for PPG to pace the Indy Car series, this '82 R5 Turbo II is sort of a cross between the unloved-by-Americans econobox and Colin Chapman's famous go-kart for the street. It features a widened body, DeLorean-derived gullwing doors, and the ability to go like stink. What's more, it can be yours for just 35 large.
-Davey G. Johnson
PPG Pace Car Turbo II [Sun International]
Citro n Madness: Not Quite 101 Things to do With a 2CV [Internal]