Free Vape With Purchase Of Ford Focus RS, Seriously

At some point or another, the vapers of America collectively decided that, in addition to hoarding Subaru WRXs, a Ford Focus RS would also be a suitable car to blow vape clouds out of. Prestman Auto, a clearly brilliant dealership in Salt Lake City, Utah, recognizes this fact. Having a used Focus RS for sale on the lot isn't that unusual. But Prestman's offer is. On the car's listing, the dealer advertises a free vape with the car's purchase.

After laughing hysterically, I messaged the dealer just to confirm.

"Yes, there is a vape included in the purchase of the RS. We have a vape store next to our dealership that the buyer can go to and pick out a vape," a dealership rep wrote. "We did that because most of the potential buyers for that car come with 'vape in hand.'"

First of all, lol once more. And second, how thoughtful! Many places charge for lifestyle accessories like that, but not here. Here, it's included.

The car reportedly has 34,576 miles on the clock and its asking price is $25,900. It looks pretty clean from the photos, though it's unclear if it's been vaped in yet at this point. Probably has, if I'm being honest.

If you vape and you're looking for a new car, why not kill two birds with one stone and check out the Focus RS? It'll save you an extra trip to the vape store.

