Florida Man And Drag Strip Owner's Eccentric Car Collection Up For Auction
You can bid on the cars and also two 14-foot fiberglass sharks.
Normally, a local car auction wouldn't be the kind of thing we'd cover here at Jalopnik. The owner isn't exactly notable, but when we saw the Tampa Bay Times article about this particular auction, the original owner sounded just too interesting not to cover. After all, he also owned two 14-foot fiberglass sharks.
According to the article, Leroy Gonzalez, who passed away in January at the age of 84, didn't grow up with much money. Going into real estate allowed him to make the money he needed to buy the cars he had been envious of others owning while growing up. But while some rich people do boring things with their money, Gonzalez was anything but boring.
As the Times put it, "He was also a racetrack proprietor and car show promoter, might have had a link to the Cuban Missile Crisis and owned 14-foot fiberglass sharks. He can safely be described as a little eccentric." Race tracks, fake sharks, and international intrigues? You've got us hooked, Leroy.
According to his son Richard, "He also said he once had something to do with a dragway in Miami. Every time we would start drinking, he'd tell me the story of when he pulled up to open that dragway one early morning to find the National Guard had gone inside without permission to set up missiles pointed at Cuba during the missile crisis."
Did that actually happen? Maybe not. Gonzalez also claimed the sharks he owned, which were rented out to car dealers as attractions, were modeled after an actual shark one of his friends shot with a harpoon out of a helicopter. Which seems unlikely. But who doesn't love that one uncle who gets drunk and tells wild stories whether they're real or not? At the very least, it makes Thanksgiving dinner more interesting.
Apparently, he also enjoyed acquiring cars more than he did driving them, perhaps because he didn't want to rub them in other people's faces. So not only are the cars in his collection reportedly almost all "in pristine condition," his son didn't even know how many his dad still owned until after his death. He mostly kept Corvettes at his office, but the rest were stored in barns on his ranch.
"He drove them right off the lot to the barn," said Richard Gonzalez. "I knew he bought them but had no idea he still had them. He never talked about them. For my dad, it was about the chase. He found the car and then moved on to the next one. It wasn't about getting them to brag. He just wanted to get them."
If you're interested in Leroy's collection, you can find the auction listing here. It says online bidding will start soon, so you don't even have to go to Florida to get in on the action. Highlights include a 1958 Chevrolet Corvette, 2004 Dodge Ram SRT-10, 1999 Plymouth Prowler, 1965 Cushman Eagle, and what appears to be the engine from a Dodge Viper. Oh, and, of course, the giant fiberglass sharks.