Fisker Tells Ocean Owners They No Longer Have Roadside Assistance

Ocean owners got yet another reminder that the end is near for the company as a big part of their vehicle purchase was just cut.

The prognosis for Fisker owners seems to get worse and worse every week. The bankruptcy is still a looming threat, and the company is essentially having a fire sale to get rid of leftover inventory even though an Ocean is probably the last thing anyone should be buying right now. Now comes word that things have gotten slightly worse for Ocean owners.

Autoevolution reports that Fisker has sent out an email to Ocean owners in the U.S. and Puerto Rico that, effective immediately, their roadside assistance is gone. It might be a shock to some, but as Autoevolution pointed out, it was only a matter of time; the company recently cut roadside assistance for European owners as well.

According to Fisker's site, the automaker offered roadside assistance for six years or 60,000 miles, whichever comes first. Available 24/7, it covered things like flat tires, mechanical breakdowns, lockout, etc.

Autoevolution says Fisker apologized to owners for the inconvenience of canceling the roadside assistance, though its roadside assistance policy did state that the company "...reserves the right to revise or discontinue specific Roadside Assistance Benefits at any time without notice or refund, reimbursement or credit to the owner." So even though Fisker notifying owners of the change was something that it didn't have to do, owners are still mad and scrambling.

Over on Reddit at r/Fisker, owners are discussing the change. One commenter speculated that Fisker — much like other roadside assistance services such as AAA — operated the service through independent contractors. Given the state of the company and its finances however, contractors started backing out, hence the service was eventually cancelled.

Hopefully Ocean warranty coverage itself isn't the next thing that goes.

