Father Of The Year Builds Go-Kart Track For Son, Now Evil Neighbors Want It Gone
You can complain about the go-karts when you buy an electric lawnmower, Bob.
One of the unfortunate realities of existence is that you don't get to choose your parents. And regardless of how that particular situation shakes out for you, you're stuck with them for life — or until the court steps in. If one of your parents built you a go-kart track in your backyard, though, you definitely won the parental lottery. Sadly, as The Drive reports, one Maryland dad's attempt to do something cool for his son has his neighbors upset and demanding the track be removed.
As cool as it is for anyone to have their own go-kart track, it's especially important because the owner's son is a competitive karter who hopes to eventually go pro. It's awesome that his dad was able to do that for him. Unfortunately for the owner, he didn't follow the permitting process for installing the track, and his neighbors are mad. In fact, they're even mad enough that they started a Change.org petition.
Court documents show the owner purchased the property in 2016 and claims to have invested at least $100,000 into building the track. He has also since applied for a conditional use permit that would allow them to use the track for private use and promised his son will only use electric go-karts during agreed-upon hours. If the track doesn't pass its next review, though, it will have to be torn up.
Neighbors are reportedly concerned that the track will end up being used for more than just practice and also that it wasn't designed with local wetlands in mind. Oh, and apparently, there are rumors the owner plans to install a helicopter pad if the kart track is approved. OK, so maybe it's possible there are more problems with this track than it initially appeared. We can't really say who's right or wrong here, but it will be interesting to see which way this one goes in court.
Also, if you want to watch locals fight about the track on Facebook, then boy, have we got the thread for you.