EXCLUSIVE: Bugatti Lake Crash Owner Buys Replacement $1.5 Million Veyron

The man who drove his $1.5 million Bugatti into a Texas lake replaced the broke n' busted hyper car Friday with another $1.5 million Veyron. Here's the first picture.

As you'll remember, Andy House of Lufkin, Texas made crazy news late last year when he crashed his million-dollar-plus car into a lagoon near Galveston. Then things went from crazy to bonkers when video of the car actually crashing emerged on the internet. The video spawned all sorts of questions about what "really" happened to the car — specifically whether it'd been trashed for insurance money.

At the time, House said of the Veryon "it is by far the nicest car that I have ever owned, looking to replace it now!" Showing a surprisingly good sense of humor for someone whose mistake behind the wheel became a web sensation, he sent us this photo with a note:

Matt, just wanted to let you know that I have purchased this 2008 Bugatti last Friday and thought you might want to post an update on your site. Thanks

Thank you, Andy. Just do us all a favor and get a hands-free cell phone.

It's also only fair to point out this seems to counter the theory he did this for the insurance money as we're guessing the replacement Bugatti cost a pretty penny.

