Exclusive 2006 SEMA Preview: Chrysler's SEMA Sebring's Sexier Than The Original

Now this is what the Chrysler Sebring should have been — long lines on the front — but none on the hood, toss in those working air scoops, a 4.0-liter V6 pushing out what has to be more than 250 hp, and — pardon my domestic hard-on here — but dammit if I ain't in love. This is Chrysler's official SEMA concept Sebring — and I had the opportunity to get a first-hand look at it today as I travelled over to the inner design sanctum of the 'merican side of the German-American hybrid — the DaimlerChrysler Tech and Design Center. Here's the first of six custom "SkunkWerks" vehicles put together by the design and engineering team for this year's SEMA show — you know, for fun. We'll get you more information as we know it — but for now, feast your eyes on the prettiness that could have been — if only Chrysler had the requisite-sized testes to do it. Full gallery below.

[Chrysler SEMA Sebring Gallery]

All of our sexy SEMA coverage [internal]

