Everyone Needs An Australian Rally Co-Driver Life Coach
If you were to rank the types of people who keep it real, rally co-drivers have to be close to the top. The world is coming at them at very high speed and their ass is on the line also if their driver screws up. There's no time nor room for bullshit. And, really, what's stopping co-drivers like this one Australian man from also being life coaches? I think it happens to be a very transferrable skill.
The Lake Mountain Spring event of the Australian Tarmac Championship took place this weekend. A video of one run was uploaded to YouTube by a channel called Two Dudes One Miata. Judging from the caption, Ryan Verner is the driver of their 2000 Mazda Miata and Ashley Diffey is his co-driver.
It's really a delightful, four-minute video because it is essentially two people having a blast in their Miata. They are trying to catch a Mitsubishi Evo and I was rooting for them the whole time, man. I wanted them to catch that guy.
Diffey's directions are absolutely ace. Not only does he provide crucial stage information, but he's also a wealth of very valuable technical information. "You got another gear, you motherfucker," he reminds Verner gently the first time. And then, again, with slightly more chutzpah, "YOU'VE GOT A SIX-SPEED GEARBOX, MOTHERFUCKER."
Friends, I need a coach like this in my life. Someone who doesn't mince words and cuts to the chase. "Drink more water, you asshole!" "You haven't got enough money for that," "Remember your posture!" and "Don't you cry" are just a few things I'd need to hear throughout the day to get me through.
Watch this and tell me I'm wrong.
via Reddit