Every Single Rob Zombie Song That Includes Cars, Ranked

We all know 'Dragula' is a banger, but let's not forget the rest of the Zombie discography

I grew up in a family of avid Rob Zombie fans; he was a staple on my dad's mixtapes, and I still have fond memories of putting together an amateur gymnastics routine set to "Feed the Gods." Today, I'm reviving that childhood love to bring you this: A definitive ranking of every single Rob Zombie song that mentions vehicles.

For clarity, I am also including White Zombie songs on this list, and I don't want to hear a single person tell me that I cannot do that because this is my blog and I get to do what I want.

My criteria for selecting these songs include:

  • They must have Rob Zombie as a frontman

  • They must mention a specific car, part of a car, or car-related activity at some point, be it in the song itself or in the title

    My ranking for these songs involves:

    • My impeccable taste

      To quote a sample from a White Zombie banger, "Perhaps you had better start from the beginning." Off we go.

20. Truck On Fire

Relevance to Cars: The titular truck that is on fire; "Tracks off the road skidding towards thunderhead"

While I do love me some early White Zombie, I need to be in the mood for early White Zombie, which was largely a lot of chaotic noise. Was it good noise? Absolutely. Is it "I could listen to this no matter the occasion" noise? It was not. That being said, "Truck on Fire" still slaps.

19. Shack Of Hate

Relevance to Cars: "Ze wheels o' fire. A doubleman defier. A motor and I. Regenerate I am."

Another early "you gotta be in the mood for it" White Zombie classic. I'd absolutely fuck up a mosh pit to this song, but I don't find myself craving it unless I'm pissed.

18. A Hearse That Overturns With The Coffin Bursting Open

Relevance to Cars: The hearse in the title

"A Hearse That Overturns With The Coffins Bursting Open" is largely a musical interlude featured on The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser, but it is actually quite good. Maybe that's because I'm just a sucker for any John 5 instrumentals. No lyrics, just vibes.

17. Eighty-Eight

Relevance to Cars: "Get behind the wheel of a big white Cadillac"

There's just something extremely special about listening to a band discover its voice in its earliest iterations, and that is exactly what I love about "Eighty-Eight." Just some bros figuring shit out, talking about Cadillacs.

16. Scum-Kill

Relevance to Cars: "Quicksand hand racing fever a lot of speed can really move ya"

This is probably one of my favorite songs on Soul-Crusher, one of those songs that makes me wish I was born in a different generation so I could actually see this shit performed live. Alas. A lot of speed still moves me.

15. Demonspeed

Relevance to Cars: "Demon speed too fast for you," "Speed racer baby is / Lost in love"

This is a song for my fellow vintage Zombie fans. The guitar riff in "Demonspeed" is absolutely mind boggling, and it's a shame this song never blew up the same way other White Zombie songs did. But we get to appreciate it here, together.

14. Two-Lane Blacktop

Relevance to Cars: The entire song, which is inspired by the movie of the same name

Need for Speed: Underground fans will recognize this bad boy, which was part of the soundtrack and was loosely based on the 1971 movie of the same name. I'm pretty sure this song features more words than there are exchanged in the entire film.

13. Never Gonna Stop (The Red Red Kroovy)

Relevance to Cars: "I'm on Durango, number 95 / Take me to the home, kick boots and ultra live"

Rob Zombie really loves his A Clockwork Orange references — hence the Durango 95 reference. It won't be the first one on this list.

12. Ratfinks, Suicide Tanks, And Cannibal Girls

Relevance to Cars: The titular reference to the "Rat Fink," a beloved hot rod character

This song fucks. That's really all I have to say about it.

11. Grindhouse (A Go-Go)

Relevance to Cars: "Trick racer so desperate, that's how I'm living / Dead heat shred the midway air, I see forever, Drag-O-Rama kickin' in / no say never"

The tempo change that hits to coincide with the "lethal mind, fugitive kind" lyrics section makes me stop whatever I'm doing at the moment to replay it three or four times. Y'know, just to make sure I've given it ample appreciation.

10. Electric Head Pt. 2 (The Ecstasy)

Relevance to Cars: "Breakneck speed get a violent spinal crackin' / Back down to the chrome and feel the death wish / Attackin' / Hubcaps on your eyes, yeah / Cannot sympathize, yeah / A fistful of hair and a splinter in the mind"

I grew up with the edited version of this song that warps the swear words. I still sing them backwards, like some kind of demon spawn.

9. Blur the Technicolor

Relevance to Cars: "And vicious t-bird breed on the whore / Wonder wheel cool and hellamatic / Go easy riding danger"

What does this song mean? I have no fucking clue. It would rank higher if it was the Poker From Stud To Strip Mix on Supersexy Swingin' Sounds, which I prefer to the original.

8. Demon Speeding

Relevance to Cars: "Hey do ya love it when the kids are screaming / Wrecking on the road violate their dreaming"

Somehow I could see this song working well in a strip club. It has a strong beat that lends itself well to dancing and also mid-drive headbanging.

7. El Phantasmo And The Chicken Run Blast-o-Rama

Relevance to Cars: "I am a plague in an 18-wheeler / Get behind the wheel I'm gonna drive"

I have a distinct memory of the first time I heard this song. I was sitting outside and turned my CD player on shuffle to experience a brand-new album, and my eardrums were assaulted with this. There's a relentlessness to this song that just works.

6. Thunder Kiss ‘65

Relevance to Cars: "My motor-psycho nightmare freak out inside of me"

This music video changed the direction of my life as a child, by which I mean that it helped me realize I swung both ways.

5. Soul-Crusher

Relevance to Cars: "Demon got my soul and I said "Drive!" / Come on, speed kills, but I'm alive, yeah / In my Durango 95"

The moment where this song goes from the mesmerizing guitar intro to the total change of pace that signals the incoming lyrical madness? Amazing. And yes, there's another reference to the Durango 95 from A Clockwork Orange.

4. Creature of the Wheel

Relevance to Cars: "Creature of the wheel / Trigger wicked way"

When I first properly started getting into cars as a teenager, my Tumblr blog was titled "Creature of the Wheel" thanks to this exact song. It remains one of my absolute favorite songs for middle of the night cruising.

3. Black Sunshine

Relevance to Cars: Literally the whole song

"Black Sunshine" is one of the few car-related White Zombie songs that is pretty much fully about cars from Iggy Pop's initial voiceover down to the very final line. It's also about a Mustang, so really, how can you go wrong?

2. Super Charger Heaven

Relevance to Cars: The titular super charger

"Super Charger Heaven" very nearly took the No. 1 slot on this list specifically because this is one of my long-time favorite Zombie songs. In elementary school, I once challenged some boys to a dance-off where I had organized a routine set to this exact song. I did not follow through, but I did pull a muscle in my neck.

1. Dragula

Relevance to Cars: "Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches / and slam in the back of my Dragula"

Listen. You can't beat Dragula. You just can't.

