Every Peugeot Logo In History, Ranked

In 1858, Peugeot introduced its signature lion, which has gone on to feature in a dozen logos since. On Thursday, Peugeot unveiled its next one, which you can see above. I'll let you be the judge of how it holds up compared with the classics.

A note before we begin: Peugeot says that the new logo is actually only its 11th new one, though a video accompanying Peugeot's press release includes 12 old ones in addition to the new one. I'm not sure that I care to clear up the discrepancy because I like looking at old Peugeot logos, and I think you do, too.

But for what it's worth, my guess is that two of the logos in this slideshow weren't considered "official," probably the 1925 one and the first 1936 one, since those didn't last very long. That won't matter for our purposes today.

So without further ado, I present all of them, along with the years they were introduced, according to the Peugeot video. I will present these in chronological order before attempting a ranking at the end.

This Is 1858.

This Is 1925.

This Is 1927.

This Is 1936.

This Is Also 1936.

This Is 1955.

This Is 1960.

This Is 1965.

This Is 1970.

This Is 1980.

This Is 1998.

This Is 2010.

This Is 2021.

One more time for reference:

My ranking is as follows:

1. 19272. 1936 (second one)3. 19704. 19255. 18586. 19807. 20218. 19609. 201010. 199811. 196512. 195513. 1936 (first one)

Some notes:

The second 1936 one is such a vast improvement on what came before it that it's almost like Peugeot realized its error immediately. This year's, like most new things these days, is squarely mediocre, though that is probably by design. And I think this ranking is a little harsh to 1965 and 1955, but as there are winners in life, there are also losers.

Feel free to offer your own rankings in the comments below.

