Good news! That 10 percent of your paycheck you've obviously been saving for the last few decades is finally ready to do some good. Even though you're not mega-rich, that doesn't mean you can't have a ride that says otherwise. What's the best bona fide supercar $50,000 can buy on eBay?
(Photo by The Car Spy on Flickr)
Here are the rules:
- Selections aren't limited to simply 'cars' (kit cars, trucks, and military/commercial vehicles included)
- Cars must have a realistic selling price under $50,000.
- Cars must be operable/easily restored to running condition.
- Completed and sold listings can be included.
- You can add modifications, as long as it doesn't go over the total budget.
- Write a short reason why your car is the ultimate supercar for under $50k.
Now go find a car that would turn a mid-life crisis into an all-night party.
I'll arrange the best selections afterwards. You have 24 hours.