Eating With Audi

Audi made a full-court PR press on Los Jalopniks by feeding us very fine foods and having us speak with Germans. We love talking to Germans. They're so, so, so...precise. At one point Audi PR operative Celeste Atkinson introduced me as "Davey from Jalopnik, who both loves us and hates us," in reference to the Winterkorn incident in Paris and my disappointment with the RS4.

I was chauffeured in a Q7 from the LA Convention Center to Rodeo Drive, where I ran into Bullrun organizers Dave Green and Andy Duncan (above), who claim the '07 Key West-to-Montreal dash will be the best one yet. After a nice Moroccan meal at Social in West Hollywood, part of which had been shut down for our use, they opened the floodgates and a stream of WeHo hipster yahoos showed up. Annoyingly, I have no photos from the meal, as they charged me five smacks to check my camera, I tried to stick it out, but ended up running for the safety of the Q7 and home. Pedro, sweet Pedro. [Full disclosure: Audi paid for everything — except the checking of the camera.]

Ze TT is a Car for Our Desperate Housewives [Internal]

