Dude, What If S-A-T-U-R-N Really Spelled O-P-E-L?

Well Ogre, it seems like every auto journalist sittin' here in the media holding pen is askin' that question. The conversation seems to go something like this:

Auto Journalist #1: "So, whaddaya think of the new Saturns?"
Auto Journalist #2: "They're really hot, but of course, it's an Opel..."
Auto Journalist #1: "Yeah...I know, it's totally an Opel...so of course it's hot."
Auto Journalist #2: "Yeah, they're totally ditching the whole 'Saturn look' and going with Opel designs. That's so cheating."

Ok, so what does this mean? Well friend, It means mainstream auto writers, a group more prima-donna than the editor of an automotive blog [Thanks Ray...we'll talk later — ed.], is totally telling the Saturn story from an inside-baseball perspective...

...It's obvious many are missing the big picture on it and you see it in the stories written. They are missing reality...these new cars are hot. They're pretty damn hot. Yes, the media is correct. The General is totally plopping the successful and attractive Euro Opel line directly into the Saturn line...replacing the crap that was with the new hotness that is. But so-the-fuck what? What does a consumer care about when they buy a car...the story of Opel design trumping Saturn...or the fact the Sky, Aura and Outlook are pretty smooth looking rides? I guess we'll find out.

By the way...anyone seen Buick?

Saturn Sky: GM Makes Good on Threats of Hotness [internal]

