Driving Into Wet Concrete Is A Ridiculously Costly Error
Some poor Honda Civic driver in Lincoln, Nebraska, cut between some orange cones and got stuck in wet concrete last week. In addition to any damage to the car, the driver is going to have to pony up the costs of repairing the road, the Lincoln Journal Star reports. And it ain't gonna be cheap.
The news site spoke with a city engineer, who said removing the car from the muck caused a traffic backup, and put a wrench in the city's construction plans. The driver, a 19-year-old according to Fox News, did not get ticketed, in part because the concrete didn't look wet, and because the gap between the cones was large enough to "cause confusion."
The city engineer told the Lincoln Journal Start that, since that patch of wet concrete is next to a bunch of other concrete that has yet to cure (and can thus not take the weight of trucks and other construction equipment), the incident will likely delay the project by three to four days.
What's worse is that the Honda driver is responsible for fixing the road, and that's not going to be cheap, as the city engineer says:
The contractor has estimated this may be in excess of $10,000, accounting for crew time, removal operations, new concrete and delays.
Ten grand for cutting through some traffic cones. This guy is probably praying his insurance company will cover this.