Diesel Back Under $5 Per Gallon For The First Time In Months

Gasoline and diesel prices are down across the entire country.

It's time for another good news edition of Gas Price Watch! Today's big news is diesel prices. They dropped under $5 per gallon (technically) for the first time in months, according to AAA. I say technically because AAA has diesel pegged at $4.999. That is indeed below $5. Diesel has dropped 53 cents per gallon in the last month alone.

Gas prices are also down. The current nationwide average is $3.93 – down 59 cents per gallon in the last month. This is obviously all good news. But that good news goes beyond people filling up at the pump.

The lower diesel prices go, the cheaper it is for goods to be moved around the country. If those services get cheaper, then logic says our costs to buy those goods will also go down. That's the idea, at least. Who really knows, though.

There are now 29 states where the average price of a gallon of diesel is below $5.00. You really do just love to see it. That matches the number of states where the price of a gallon of gasoline is below $4.00.

It's hard to say just how long these trends will last. Prices on both fuel types have been steadily declining since mid-June when prices peaked at $5.02 for gasoline and $5.82 for diesel. We're still a long way off from where prices were just one year ago. There was once a time when the average price of a gallon of gas was $3.18 and the average price of diesel was $3.29. We didn't know how good we had it.

Anyway, let's check out gas prices around the country.

Here is the highest average gas prices in the country in order of highest price for a gallon regular:

  • Hawaii – $5.34 Regular | $5.55 Mid | $5.81 Premium | $6.10 Diesel

  • California – $5.33 Regular | $5.54 Mid | $5.69 (nice) Premium | $6.23 Diesel

  • Nevada – $4.92 Regular | $5.17 Mid | $5.37 Premium | $5.16 Diesel

  • Alaska – $4.91 Regular | $5.08 Mid | $5.28 Premium | $5.37 Diesel

  • Oregon – $4.84 Regular | $5.04 Mid | $5.25 Premium | $5.69 (nice) Diesel

    Here is the lowest average price of gasoline in the country in order of lowest price per gallon of regular:

    • Arkansas – $3.44 Regular | $3.80 Mid | $4.14 Premium | $4.65 Diesel

    • Texas – $3.46 Regular | $3.84 Mid | $4.17 Premium | $4.52 Diesel

    • Tessessee – $3.47 Regular | $3.85 Mid | $4.22 Premium | $4.71 Diesel

    • Georgia – $3.47 Regular | $3.89 Mid | $4.25 Premium | $4.73 Diesel

    • Mississippi – $3.48 Regular | $3.85 Mid | $4.20 Premium | $4.64 Diesel

      East bound and down, loaded up and truckin'!

