Cybertruck Using Tesla's So-Called 'Full Self-Driving' Assistance Software Crashes Into Pole

It's almost like Tesla's self-driving software isn't really self-driving or ready for prime time

When Tesla first began building the Cybertruck, it promised a long list of features, but they weren't all ready to go at launch. If you wanted to go off-road in your shiny new truck, for example, you had to wait for the update that gave you an off-road mode. And if you wanted to use the same driver-assist software that Tesla offers in its other cars, you had to wait all the way until last October to get it. Don't worry, though, Tesla's so-called "Full Self-Driving" has wasted no time crashing Cybertrucks, too.

The latest crash to go viral on Twitter comes from a user named Jonathan Challinger who claims he drove his Cybertruck into a pole while using FSD. His tweet is one obnoxiously long essay about how great the Cybertruck did during the crash it caused and how much he obviously still loves his truck. Because of course.

The way Challinger describes the crash, the latest version of "FSD" was active when the truck "failed to merge out of a lane that was ending (there was no one on my left) and made no attempt to slow down or turn until it had already hit the curb." Apparently, he hadn't heard of anyone crashing using the new version of the software and thought it could do what Musk says it can. At least he has a warning for others, saying, "It is easy to get complacent now – don't."

In addition to claiming Tesla has "the best passive safety in the world," he also tagged Tesla AI, saying:

@Tesla_AI how do I make sure you have the data you need from this incident? Service center etc has been less than responsive on this. I do have the dashcam footage.

I want to get it out there as a PSA that it can happen, even on v13, but I'm hesitant because I don't want the attention and I don't want to give the bears/haters any material.

Spread my message and help save others from the same fate or far worse.

Oh no, could you imagine what would happen if the bears/haters saw the crash footage? We might use it to remind people that Teslas aren't actually self-driving and warn others not to trust Elon when he's so obviously full of shit. Wouldn't that be horrible? I, for one, can't believe he was even willing to admit that it was possible to crash a Cybertruck, much less show proof that one can be so easily destroyed by a simple pole. Weren't these things supposed to be able to handle any obstacle and any terrain?

In addition to being a failure at pretty much everything Musk promised other than looking ugly as hell, the Cybertruck has also been subject to all sorts of recalls. And yeah, the tire pressure monitoring system not working right might be a little less dangerous to others than the unintended acceleration, but it's not like blowing a tire on the highway isn't dangerous to others. Still, nothing owns the libs quite like taking your $100,000 to the dealer for the sixteenth time to get something fixed, and as we all know, that's really want matters.

