Commenter Of The Day: We Call It "Tuesday" Edition

Talk all you want about the Mayans and their 2012 end of the world predictions; people have been forecasting the end of things for many a century to little effect. But that doesn't keep people from seeing portents of doom in everyday affairs, and along those lines Lilwillie surveyed the trail of destruction from our fair site today and reached for the bottle:

You can't film your fun any longer without something bad happening.

You can't post in a forum your issues without something bad happening.

You can't park your R8 without poo getting stuck on it.

You won't get to drive your own car in the future.

You can't have a Smart Key without it getting hacked.

You can't ride the subway without seeing what can't be unseen.

You can't be a dictator of a third world crap hole without your Ferrari being hauled away with a by a fork lift.

You can't have a gas can unless it is fashionable.

Screw it, I'm holing up in the compound with guns, ammo and brefass scotch. The Apocalypse is upon us.

As long as the horsemen let us keep the wifi, we're back tomorrow.

