Commenter Of The Day: Vega Venison Edition
Y'all hunt? Not me, but my brother does. He's a dog man. Likes to shoot at ducks and pheasants. Hates deer hunting. Hates it. Who wants to spend the whole day sitting in a tree stand, waiting for your elusive quarry to meander into rifle-range? Of course, this is all rendered hassle-free if you a.) are a rally racer with a WRX STI and b.) find yourself tearing through the snowy Michigan woods, as Hardigree noted this morning. Or else, you could also just have a Vega. Yeah, a Vega. Which brings us to our commenter of the day.
Vipper of Vipp was initially impressed with navigator Christian Edstrom's shriek when the deer collided with the WRX STI's left-front quarter. But then came the sharing.
That was the best Cry Of Surprise And Horror I've ever heard.
Brought back memories of the time I pasted a couple of yearling deer with my Vega at 60 mph on a dark gravel road. I may also have yelled "AUUGHH!" just like that.
A Vega. A gravel road. Two young beasts of the forest. Put them all together and, we're assuming, there was dinner on the table and game enough in the fridge for a long, hard winter.