Companies like to give their customers as many choices as possible. This is especially true for car companies. How many different trim/engine/configuration variations of a Ford F-150 can you buy? Malcom Gladwell does a great riff on spaghetti sauces and how there isn't one perfect sauce, but many perfect sauces for individual consumers. Maybe. But there's also a decent amount of research that shows the opposite. When confronted with too many choices, people suddenly become demotivated from making any choice at all. The Sultan of Brunei has a lot of cars, but Jackie makes the point that by having them his family may suddenly be discouraged from ever enjoying them.
"Honey, have you seen the keys to the Porsche?"
"Which one?"
"The 911 Carrera."
"Which one?"
"The silver one."
"Which one?"
"The 1998 model."
"Which one?"
"The Tar-" *sigh* "Never mind, I'll just walk."
I, on the other hand, would take the keys to any Porsche. Rusty 912? Sign me up.