National Security Adviser Jim Jones had to apologize for repeating a joke about a Jewish salesman. The joke is about a Jewish merchant who refuses to sell water to a Taliban soldier but offers him a reasonably priced tie. The thirsty Taliban soldier gets upset so the merchant tells him there's a restaurant on the other side of the hill that'll sell him water. The angry Taliban soldier returns an hour later and walks up to the merchant and says "your bother tells me I need a tie to get into the restaurant." It's sort of funny, except he told it to kickoff remarks about the country's commitment to Israel. His apology included this hilarious walkback: "I apologize to anyone who was offended by it. It also distracted from the larger message I carried that day: that the United States commitment to Israel's security is sacrosanct." Yeah, hard to see how the message could have been clouded by that ill-timed joke. The post about the motorcycle wake attracted a bucket-full of groan-inducing responses, including this hilariously inappropriate response from SubieBlast.
He should wear his helmet!!! He could get killed.
See National Security Adviser Jones? It only took him nine words.
Photo Credit: AP