Commenter Of The Day: One Of These Days, Alice... Edition
Along with the iconic I Love Lucy, the 1950s CBS comedy The Honeymooners is largely acknowleged to be the template for the modern sitcom. In it, Jackie Gleason played Ralph Kramden, a blustery, short-tempered New York bus driver. His long-suffering wife, a sharp-tongued woman named Alice, was played by Pert Kelton (later Audrey Meadows). Ralph and Alice spent much of their screen time together arguing or dealing with the aftereffects of Ralph's get-rich-quick schemes, but that's not what most people took away from the series.
These days, whenever someone mentions The Honeymooners, most people think of Ralph. He was a frustrated man, and he had a habit of making charmingly empty threats toward his wife. They usually went something like this:
"... one of these days ... Pow! Right in the kisser! One of these days Alice, straight to the Moon!"
...and were little more than a way to blow off steam. They weren't, you know, actual threats; the modern man, wary of lawsuits, prowling neighbors, and worried children, usually converts the same emotion into an eye-roll. That, in turn, is what we thought of when we read OldeEnglishD's comment in Where Do You Drive To Find Peace?
Sigh. Did we mention that we got married last fall, and that we know exactly what he means? (Love you, honey! Be home soon!)