Commenter Of The Day: Michael Palin Edition

While most people probably still know Michael Palin best from his work with the British comedy troupe Monty Python, his most interesting output has come in his second career as globetrotting travel writer. For the past 20 years, Palin has put aside the silly walks (or rather, silly walks-in-progress) and fish slapping to put together some of the most interesting and breathtaking travelogues ever produced. From his initial journey recreating Phineas Fogg's fictional journey in Around The World In 80 Days to his most recent trip exploring rapidly changing Eastern Europe in Michael Palin's New Europe, Palin's documentaries never fail to impress. Sure, some of the shots and situations come across as a little manufactured, but that's par for the course in a TV travel series. One personal favorite is Pole To Pole, wherein Palin travels from the North Pole to the South Pole with as much overland travel as possible. It's available to watch online via Netflix; check it out. We think engineerd might like it too, considering he laid down some travel plans of his own while discussing the ridiculous junk delivery of a Ferrari in Hong Kong.

If I'm ever forced to buy a Prius, I am going to request that it be delivered to me by first flying it, alone, on a cargo plane from Japan to LA. Then shipping it, alone, by car carrier to Savannah, GA. Then put it on a cargo ship, alone, to go around to the mouth of the Mississippi River. Then onto a barge, alone, pulled by the most run-down, 1940s-era tug boat, preferably leaking oil and fuel into the waterway, up the Mississippi to Minneapolis. I don't live in Minneapolis, so then I would drive it 10 hours as fast as possible to Detroit.

Is that the ePRS version of the itinerary?

