Commenter Of The Day: I'm A Dapper Dan Man Edition

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When we look for a commenter of the day, sometimes we're looking for insight, sometimes we're looking for a personal touch and sometimes we're looking for controversy. And then some days we're just looking for a great sense of humor. We thought it would be hard to top the inherent hilarity of Sideways Siler's post about biodiesel grease thievery, especially given the the hilarious accompanying mug shot. And surely, it was. But not too hard for you, dear commentariat.

This one comes from EricMerrill, who is exceedingly more original than his commenter handle suggests:

Embarassed, 'biodiesel' was the quickest response to questioning he could come up with. Grease, to him, is simply a hair product.


Yeah, but what's Busey's excuse?