Like the barbers whose own haircuts seem to come from orangutans with Flowbies tied to their hands, comedy clubs excel at choosing the least funny names for themselves. The Laugh Inn? Snickerz? This list is only the tip of a very large, unfunny iceberg. In that spirit, tonight we throw open the mics here at Jokelopnik's Funny Car Garage. C'mon on up diasdiem, and give us your one-liner on that Texas fat spill!
Since we have some of the most obese cities in the country, Texans are used to having a major artery clogged with fat.
Not bad, but there's a lot of other folks in line. Take a swing, mytdawg:
No diving.
Tallow water.
Hi-yo! OK, I think we getting close. Our final contestant wants to change the subject to a certain photo of one O.J. Simpson. Go for it,
P161911 probably shoudn't have:
The SEMA show moved to Las Vegas in 1977. OJ moved to Vegas in 2008.
Both are booked in Vegas through 2018.
And there's our winner! Don't forget to tip the wait staff.