Comment Of The Day: Two-Stroke Troublemaker Edition

Winning's winning. In NASCAR, F1, and yes, even side-street hardcore scooter street racing—the toughest race you'll ever survive.

Who do you think you are, bringing a motorcycle into this street circuit? You're just askin' for an ass whoppin', as we all learned today.

Today's COTD goes to user jgustafson, who you may have heard of before, for giving us a peek at what the grimy disgusting world of scooter racing is all about:

You almost had me? You never had me – you never had your scoot. You're lucky that ridin the clutch on your two stroke sorority- mobile didn't blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?

From the crowd: You Tell him Dominic. Get out of here.

Now, me and the mad scientist got to rip apart the block... and replace the piston rings you fried, and the fork seals you blew.

[Closes seat of scooter, rings hello kitty bell on handlebars, knowingly smiles after recollecting fond childhood memories of simpler times of racing for boxes of Girl Scout cookies.]

Ask any racer. Any real racer. It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning.

[zooms off in a cloud of two stroke exhaust giddy and wheeling the whole way.]

Congrats on your COTD win Joe, please enjoy this song which will now be stuck in your head like it has been in mine since Tokyo Drift, for ten years.

Contact the author at or @WestbrookTweets.

