Comment Of The Day: The Lead Dieselgate Plaintiff's Lawyer Drives An AMG Wagon Edition

If you're an owner of a diesel Volkswagen seeking restitution, and you love cars, be glad Elizabeth Cabraser is the lead attorney on the case. I'd rather have a gearhead fighting for gearheads than some random lawyer who treats this like just another case.

Cabraser was kind enough to stop by today and answer your questions about the Dieselgate settlement. And in a separate email to our own David Tracy, Cabraser had this to say:

"Love of cars is in the family. My Dad was, among many other things, a weekend stock and sports car racer and, of necessity, an evening mechanic. He taught me all about the cars of the day(I can work on anything from 1974 and earlier...), and I keep a very long imaginary wish list of cars I think I would like to own. I have actually owned a somewhat less glamorous and more eclectic succession of beloved vehicles throughout the years, including a *Ford Ranchero, a Dodge van with a transplanted Polaris Highway Patrol engine, an International Travelall, several VW Squarebacks, 1999 BMW M3 and M Coupe, ditto an M5, and my judiciously driven 2005 AMG E55 wagon."

Turns out she's one of us. And here's the comment that drove it home for me:

