Comment Of The Day: In My Eyes, Indisposed Edition

Won't you cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooome

Did you know there's a Rat Hole in Chicago, where acolytes come day and night to worship at the altar of A Place Where A Rat Was But Is No Longer? No matter what time of day you go to visit, chances are you'll run into a fellow believer there — someone else who knows what is to come.

What's coming, though? The end? A new beginning? Is the Rat Hole an ill portent, a sign that one day we shall all be but an empty space in the pavement, or is it a sign that even the lowliest of us can be elevated to such fanaticism-inspiring heights? All these questions and more are prompted by dustynnguyendood earlier today, and absolutely none of them are answered by the "Black Hole Sun" music video.

Back in college, when my apartment would be full on drunken nights to play Rock Band in the living room (one of the less-weird games my Institute of Technology roommates and I would play as an apartment, I assure you,) "Black Hole Sun" was one of the go-to songs we'd pick. It was all fun and games until you got to the end, when Chris Cornell would hold one single "won't you come" for what felt like ten minutes. Tuns out I don't have Chris Cornell's vocal stamina.

Congratulations, dustynnguyendood, on your COTD win. None of us know what the Rat Hole will bring upon this Earth, whether it be cleansing fire or floodwaters that grow stagnant, putrid, and toxic, but it may well be the end of us. Or not. Again, I have very little understanding about what the hell is actually happening in the "Black Hole Sun" music video.

