Clean And Detail Your Own Car To Save Money

With winter out of the way for half the world e you might be considering getting all that winter gunk cleaned out of and off you car. You could take it into a special shop and spend a bunch on a deep clean and detail, or you could just follow Popular Mechanics simple guide to do it for yourself.

Cleaning and detailing a car isn't a difficult task by any means and knowing which steps to take is half the battle. The nice thing about doing it yourself is that you can only go through the steps you want. Don't care about the paint job? Skip it, but clean the interior with an air compressor and vacuum. If you have leather seats, rub a little conditioner with aloe on them to keep them nice and clean. A good clean can be great for your car's life and help you sell it for more. If you want to tackle the project for yourself hit up Popular Mechanics for an exhaustive look at all the steps with a few clever tricks and shortcuts throughout.

10 Tips to Clean and Detail Your Car Like a Pro | Popular Mechanics

Photo by Eduardo Sciammarella.

