Cars Once Again Used By Small Town To Fight QAnon Queen Of Canada

The "Kingdom of Canada" cult has been on one long road trip for over almost two years now.

Our least favorite Queen of Canada is still up to her old tricks, but now small-town Canadians know how to handle her kind: with loud, annoying, non-stop blaring of car horns.

Didulo and her dozens of followers are currently camped out in an abandoned school in the tiny town of Richmound, Saskatchewan. The owner of the school is allowing the cult to use it as a headquarters, much to the chagrin of his fellow residents. Only about 150 people live in Richmound, according to Vice, which led to a lot of anxiety surrounding the sudden appearance of the cult the third of the size of the whole town. Royal Canadian Mounted Police surged their numbers in the area, setting up roadblocks and fencing between the cult and town residents. The people took a cult meet-and-greet as an opportunity to voice their displeasure:

Romana Didulo, the so-called QAnon Queen of Canada, was holding a meet and greet in the school which brought in around 30 or 40 followers to Richmound, a town of roughly 150 souls. Many in the town expressed worry that the situation could turn violent, especially after some of Ddiulo's followers sent out pseudo-legal letters that threatened several residents with "public execution." The word "Waco" was thrown around rather generously.


"We not only want this group gone from our village, but we don't want any other community in our province, anywhere in Canada, or anywhere in the world to have to be spending the money and the time to dealing with this kind of stressful situation," Shauna Sehn, resident of Richmound and former teacher at the school, told VICE News.

To show the cult members that they wouldn't be intimidated, town residents drove their vehicles around the school and blared their horns for hours. Two men with the cult stood stoically in front of the school as the vehicles circled ,listening to the horns and jeers from the townsfolk. At times, other members of the cult would nervously peek their heads out of doors to see what was happening.

Afterwards, the town held a BBQ just off the school grounds. But despite the town's obvious displeasure of having them there, Didulo wasn't discouraged. At the same time as the townsfolk were consuming burgers the cult, behind closed doors just feet away, held and livestreamed a bizarre ceremony where 30-something followers all read in unison a "declaration of sovereignty."

Richmound has the residents of Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, to thank for the tactic, though it was less successful this time. The people in that small town blared their horns and music whenever Didulo's followers tried to stream live from the street in order to raise donations for the cult by using the hurricane-devastated town as a backdrop (a hurricane Didulo initially claimed never happened.)

It worked better for the Tatamagouche residents, however, as so far, the cult seems unfazed. With the commotion outside, the Kingdom of Canada followers just went inside the formerly empty school, where around 30 people pledged their loyalty to Didulo, according to Vice. It seems they are dug in at this school.

It's a nice slice of irony that the highly mobile Romana Didulo and her cult of RV-dwelling followers should be protested using vehicles. Didulo calls herself the queen of Canada and she's been traveling the country for almost two years with a small convoy of followers ever since the Freedom Convoy chased her out for burning a Canadian flag during of their three-week long siege of Ottawa. She claims she was appointed to the position by "white hats" in the U.S. government, and that this appointment allows her to suspend utility bills and call for immediate death for anyone giving COVID-19 shots to people under 19 years old.

