Cars Can Now Run On Whiskey, Just Like Me

You should never, ever, ever drink and drive. But has anyone ever thought of giving the car a drink and then driving it? These clever, thinkin' men in Scotland sure did.

Working with Perthshire's Tullibardine Distillery, Celtic Renewables Ltd. of Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland has created a biofuel called biobutanol. It is meant to be a replacement for gasoline and diesel. Apparently, you don't need to make any changes to your engine to use it, reports the BBC.

It is made from residue that is of absolutely no use to the whiskey industry: draff (kernels of barley) and pot ale (a yeasty liquid resulting from fermentation).

Founder and president of Celtic Renewables Martin Tangney told the BBC,

"What we developed was a process to combine the liquid with the solid, and used an entirely different traditional fermentation process called ABE, and it makes the chemical called biobutanol. And that is a direct replacement, here and now, for petrol This is the first time in history that a car has ever been driven with a biofuel produced from whisky production residues."

Lisa Summers, a reporter for BBC Scotland, got to drive the whiskey-fueled car on its inaugural journey and reported that there was no noticeable difference between it and a normal gas- or diesel-driven car. This is where the car and I contrast. You fill me up with whiskey and taquitos and I promise you'll notice a difference.

Celtic Renewables got a £9 million (approximately $11.6 million) grant from the government to build a "commercial demonstrator plant" that's expected to be fully operational by 2019. The company will also be targeting other whisky-producing countries, like us.

This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "One more for the road."

(h/t to James!)

