Car Blocking Street Doesn't Stand A Chance Against Baseball Team

A college baseball team desperate to play ball had no problem lifting a double parked car blocking the street out of the way.

The La Salle University baseball team, the Explorers, journeyed all the way from Pennsylvania to New Jersey early Thursday morning to take on Fairleigh Dickinson University. The only thing standing in their way was this double parked Nissan Pathfinder. It didn't stand a chance:

You can accomplish anything with teamwork. With one victory under their belt, the Explorers went on to make it to the game in time.

They lost to Fairleigh Dickinson, 9-8 in the 13th inning.

Chin up, though. You can just blame the person who parked their dang car in the middle of the street for it.

H/t to Justin H. for the tip!

