Man Stops His Truck And Decides To Go For A Skate On The Highway

On Jan. 9, when temperatures in nearby Yorkton, Saskatchewan, reached a low of about 10 degrees fahrenheit, Kristyn Eftoda and her husband Wade were commuting home on a highway near Dropmore, Manitoba, when they noticed that the road was a sheet of ice. That's when Wade, in a moment of inspiration, grabbed his skates.

The Eftodas were on Highway 482, according to the CBC, around 240 miles northwest of Winnipeg.

Wade knew the road well. Kristyn said that he had grown up driving on that highway and had never seen the road look that clear, or that beautiful.

"We both made a new year's resolution to live more simply, to enjoy each moment. This was an opportunity to do that."

Dropmore is in the middle of the Canadian Prairies, where temperatures frequently drop to below zero in the deepest, darkest parts of winter, meaning that the Eftodas—and anyone else willing to brave it—will probably have plenty more opportunities to come to have a skate on their way home.

