Buy A 2022 Bolt And Chevy Will Pay To Have Level 2 Charging Installed In Your Home
Adopting an EV can come with challenges, so Chevrolet is here to make sure those challenges don't stop its customers from going electric.
Not only do buyers have to decide which EV best meets their needs, they'll also want to work out a charging arrangement. For homeowners (and condo owners with permanent parking spaces) that means installing electrical service near where the car overnights. Chevrolet is offering buyers of the 2022 Bolt EV and EUV crossovers a reprieve from by paying for the installation of Level 2 charging capabilities at home.
We're fans of the new Bolt EV and EUV. Chevy hit it out of the park on pricing, and the cars look pretty cool, too. But Chevy wants to sweeten the deal even further — at first, anyway.
Through its partner Qmerit, Chevy will purchase and install a 240V NEMA 14-50 outlet and a new 40-amp breaker in an existing breaker panel. When this setup is used with the car's standard Dual Level Charge Cord, which charges at up to 7.2 kilowatts, the 65 kWh battery in the car should be able to be charged fully overnight.

The vehicles can charge even faster on Level 2, but the Dual Level Charge Cord won't cut it. As InsideEVs reports, to get closer to the full 11 kW Level 2 speed that the cars can accept, owners can purchase a 40-amp Level 2 charge cord that plugs into the NEMA 14-50 outlet. That setup should be good for 9.6 kW. To unlock the full 11 kW the cars can charge at, owners will need to spring for a 60-amp circuit to be installed in their homes and hardwire in a 48-amp charger. The NEMA 14-50 installed by Chevy won't be able to handle the full 11 kW charging power.
That said, the standard 7.2 kW unit will likely be fine for most people.
I was curious how much this deal saves, and it turns out: not that much. According to EV owner forums, the price to install a NEMA 14-50 seems to range between $350 and $1,000. But I imagine the hook here isn't to save people a wad of cash, but to eliminate that extra step in buying an EV.

There are a couple of caveats. This deal is available only to people who buy a Bolt EV or EUV crossover between 2/14/21 and 6/31/21. Also, the Dual Level Charge Cord won't be available until late summer.
Honestly, I like this concept! However, I think it could be taken a step further. If installing this home charging infrastructure is so cheap, states should offer it as part of their EV incentives. That way, the purchase of an electric car is as hassle-free as possible.