Burning Man Self-Reliance Festival Now Features Luxury Helicopters
If you thought Burning Man was just a steampunk renaissance fair for filthy hippies, like I did, you too may be surprised to learn that this $10 million helicopter is doing taxi service for (rich) people who want to go to the party.
The whole idea of "Burning Man" is basically to create a hub for people to let their freak flags fly, so to speak. I know veterans of the event will say I'm missing something, having not experienced it myself, but based on all the images I'd say it looks like a music festival with less music. (Their site is actually quite informative if you want to know more.)
The event's organizers describe Burning Man as "a temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance." So who are we to judge if your expression includes arriving like the Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. in a glossy black Sikorsky S76?
Black Rock Helicopters has not posted prices for rides, but has advertised that it will be up for hire for rides between the Burning Man site in the Black Rock Desert and Reno, Nevada with room for "eight people and 600 pounds of cargo."
That S76 truly is a thing of beauty. Active in various forms since the 1980's, some can cruise at over 150 MPH and top out at a blistering 175+. And you can see from the interior shots in that clip, Black Rock really spread some magic throughout the substantial passenger cabin. No tent is going to be as nice as one of those seats.
Burning man is actually going on right now through September 5th, by the way. And this year's theme is da Vinci's Workshop. So actually, riding in with a helicopter might be appropriate after all.
Hat tip to Jim!