Bugatti Is Recalling One (1) Chiron For One (1) Loose Screw

The devil is in one extremely specific detail, apparently

How detail-oriented are you? I like to think that I'm reasonably attuned to the finer intricacies of the things I do, from the word choice in these articles down to the cable management on my desk. But it seems I have a lot to learn when compared to the analytical minds over at Bugatti, who just recalled a single four-year-old Chiron over a single loose screw.

According to the report filed with NHTSA, Bugatti found an issue with a torque wrench that had been used in 2017. The problem appears to have only affected a single screw out of all 500 Chirons, where it was used to fasten a front frame support to the rest of the car. The individual VIN is censored on the document, but if your Chiron shows a build date of November 16, 2017, maybe hold off on driving it for a bit.

The document does, however, show that bolt's current torque alongside its required spec. A single torque wrench costs nothing in comparison to a $3 million supercar, so a determined owner could make this recall a DIY job. Again, no parts have to be replaced. One bolt is just slightly too loose.

Think about the benefits here, unknown Chiron owner. You can just tighten one bolt by ten newton-meters and be able to say that you've singlehandedly fixed a mistake made by Bugatti itself. You can join all those Built Not Bought groups on Facebook, since you now wrench on your own car. And with all the time saved by not having your car flatbedded to a dealership, you can put a few more miles on it. If it's anything like every other supercar, those may be the only miles it ever sees.

