Bollinger's 200-Mile Electric Truck Is Fantastically Rugged And Basic

The world's first electric truck isn't anything fancy. And that's the whole point.

The B1 "sports utility truck," as Bollinger Motors founder Robert Bollinger called it at his unveiling party Thursday evening at the Manhattan Classic Cars Club, has an all-aluminum sharp, Jeep-looking exterior that can be converted to a halfback pickup truck.

Inside, there's no bright screens or flashing displays; there are simple, analog radio dials and battery level indicators, and stores 95 cubic feet of cargo if you remove two of the four seats.

The 360 horsepower EV has a 200-mile range, all-wheel drive, has a top speed at 127 mph and achieves a perfect 50/50 weight balance.

Bollinger describes the car as perfect for "rangers, builders and do-it-yourselfers"—a slightly different demographic than the usual Model X or Nissan Leaf consumers.

"We went our own path with a back to the basics, American-made fully electric truck," Karl Hacken, Bollinger lead engineer told Jalopnik.

Four engineers, two designers, a welder, a painter, a communications officer and a "human resources" dog comprised the small team that built the car from the car from the ground up at an upstate New York development center.

Though Bollinger celebrated the emotional reveal of his car Thursday night, the team is looking ahead to bringing the EV to mass market.

The car is expected to cost $60,000, and will look to begin deliveries within 19 months. Interested consumers can reserve a spot to the car on Bollinger's website for free, and the company will begin taking $1,000 for reservations in 2018.

