While those of us in the industry have been hearing from the General that full-size SUV sales will level off in the wake of Katrina's roundhouses, uppercuts, karate hits and kung fu kicks to the Gulf Coast's oil production capacity, the mainstream media have now picked up on the story, with CNN/Money quoting none other than the Lutzmeister himself immediately post-rollout of GM's new big-size sport-utes:
"People are still going to buy full-sized sport-utilities at $3 a gallon. But even at $3 a gallon, it's 750,000 people a year. It's not going to go to a million," Lutz was quoted as saying. "Two years ago we would have told you the segment is going to go to a million vehicles. It's not going to do that. It's leveled off.
"We think 750,000 (units) is the best prediction based on today's fuel prices. I think we may maintain our volume at other people's expense, even if the segment shrinks a little bit," Lutz said according to the report.
Big Momma Nature's a bitch sometimes, ain't she, Bob?
Report: GM says new SUVs wont help sales [CNN/Money]
GM Reveals New Chevrolet Tahoe [Internal]